Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Satay Chicken

I got this tasty little number from the 4 Ingredients "One Pot, One Bowl" book - what a fantastic idea!  Not only are the recipes easy, quick and cheap - but there's hardly any washing up!  I made my own little changes to this one - like using Greek Yoghurt instead of the cream (but I then had to thicken it with a bit of flour) and I just added frozen veges to keep it easy and cheap.  Also, I'll let you in on my little mum-trick - instead of serving saucy dishes like this with carb-loaded white rice, potato or pasta, just steam some cauliflower and puree it up, like I've done here.  It makes you think you're eating rice or mashed potato, but really, it's just a low-calorie vegetable!  The kids won't even realise, how sneaky is that?!?  With the yoghurt and added veges, it comes in at just 200 calories per serve :-) But it wasn't quite the response I was hoping for from Liam & Robbie - hear the Family Show Taste Test below...

Ingredients (serves 4)
1 tablespoon red curry paste
400g chicken breast
2 tablespoons peanut butter
3/4 cup cream

In a non-stick frying pan, heat the curry paste. Add the chicken and seal, stirring evenly to cook. Add the peanut butter and cream, stir to combine, and simmer until the chicken is cooked, about 4 minutes.

Optional: serve with rice or fettuccini. Toss through some thinly sliced vegetables if you have them in the fridge. What did Liam & Robbie think? Hear the Family Show Taste Test:

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