Sunday, December 16, 2012

Choc Candy Cane Bites (& a Christmas Treats Exchange!)

You might remember back in this post, I promised you I'd give you a great idea of what to do with the unused middle of the wreath biscuits.  Of course, you could always re-roll the scraps and make more wreaths, but I was on a time frame, so instead, I just baked the rounds as they were, spread with a touch of melted white chocolate and sprinkled with crushed candy canes.  SO EASY!  They look great, taste delicious and make a perfect little gift.

I also want to share with you a lovely afternoon I had the other day with some mum friends - one of the girls organised a Christmas Biscuit Exchange (although, I've called it a Christmas Treats Exchange because we ended up with a variety of things, not just biscuits).  We all took along 24 biscuits or sweets and laid them out on a central table.  The wonderful hostess had stocked up on plates, cellophane, ribbon and tags, and we all filled our plates with an amazing variety of sweet treats, which we then packaged up beautifully to give away as gifts.

You can see in the picture above what we ended up with - reindeer biscuits, melting moments, oreo truffles, brownies, white Christmas bites and cake pops to name a few!  It was such a great idea to spend some time with each other (while the kids played together) and leave with these gorgeous plates to gift.  It's such a great and easy way to spread some Christmas cheer!

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