Thursday, March 28, 2013

Healthy Easter: Chicken Eggs

Healthy Easter treats continue and this one is sure to be a hit with the kids!  It's so easy, super healthy and is a perfect addition to the Easter table.  These eggs were lovingly laid by our own family chickens, Princess Layer, Chewy & Vadar - see how bright the yolks are!?  Freshly laid, free range eggs really are the best!

If you don't have them roaming your backyard, you can always get them from Charlies!

6 eggs
1/4 carrot, thinly sliced
6 sultanas

Hard boil the eggs in a saucepan of simmering water.  Allow to cool, then peel the shells away.

Slice a small section of white off each end (so it will sit flat on the plate), then slice each egg in half cross-ways.

Use the yolk as your chicken face and decorate with small triangles of carrot and sultanas.

Hope thought they were pretty good!

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